What is the Expeditionary Approach?
Let's be real. In todays world, there are a plenty of approaches to choose from: STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) , STEAM (STEM + Art), Project Based Learning, Expeditionary Based Learning, Geo-Inquiry and the list goes on. There is not a one size fits all model for any educational pedagogy or curriculum and its delivery may is interdependent on content, focus, teaching style and student learning.
All the approaches are about learning your style and practice as an educator.
The Expeditionary Approach is an experiential model that can embed Project-Based, STEAM or STEM focused into curriculum as a whole. It is a model that first focuses on educators honing into their craft and learning the multifaceted ways of understanding a topic. If an educator does not have a broad perspective, then students will also have a narrow viewpoint. When educators connect educational content into real-world experiences, engaging with professionals and collaborating with peers, students gain fresh perspective empowering them to make a difference in their community.
The Expeditionary Approach is not just curriculum. It's not just a broad way of students working on large scale project. It's about the educator becoming a pioneer to a field and providing a wealth of knowledge and research to inspire students to take action. It is about getting both educators and students out of their comfort zone while exploring, experimenting and integrating resources into authentic materials. It is as much about engaging the students as it is the educators and inspiring them to create a space to push boundaries and ask questions while attempting to resolve current conflicts.